Regular Scent Hand Sanitizer (Spray Bottle)


All natural, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-viral hand sanitizer.  This hand sanitizer is all natural without any chemicals.  All bottles come in 3-6 ounces. The oils have been fused together to kill bacteria, viruses, germs. Ingredients include: All natural Aloe Vera oil, Lemon oil, Rosemary oil, Tea Tree oil, Cinnamon oil, Eucalyptus oil, Clove oil, Vitamin E oil and Vegetable Glycerin.  3 oz

Clove oil- fights infection and stimulates the immune system

Tea Tree oil – Good for anti-microbial and killing viruses

Cinnamon oil- Great for fighting germs

10 in stock



All natural, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-viral hand sanitizer.  This hand sanitizer is all natural without any chemicals.  All bottles come in 3-6 ounces. The oils have been fused together to kill bacteria, viruses, germs. Ingredients include: All natural Aloe Vera oil, Lemon oil, Rosemary oil, Tea Tree oil, Cinnamon oil, Eucalyptus oil, Clove oil, Vitamin E oil and Vegetable Glycerin.  3 oz

Clove oil- fights infection and stimulates the immune system

Tea Tree oil – Good for anti-microbial and killing viruses

Cinnamon oil- Great for fighting germs


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